Tax File Number

The Australia Tax File Number (TFN) is a 9-digit code that is released just once by the ATO (Australian Taxation Office) a sort of Italian Income Revenue Authority. This code is essential for working, so you have to apply for it if you are a Working Holiday visa holder.

Without the TFN you cannot get any work contract, so the ideal is to request it once you arrive in Australia. Many Italians want to request it from , but it is not possible because it is necessary to have an Australian address (where the code will be sent) and an Australian phone number to activate it. The ATO also needs your details because it could contact you to ask for more information. You can apply for it online and it is a free service.

How to apply for a Tax File Number

Follow these steps to apply for an Australian TFN, be sure you have all of the necessary documents ready:

  • Go to the ATO website and apply online.
  • Main page: click on “NEXT” on the left button.
  • Travel documentation and passport: insert your passport number, country of your passport and answer the question with NO if you have never been in Australia or YES if you are already there.
  • Personal details: name and surname, other names if have one (usually Italians leave it blank), date of birth, gender and partner’s details (if any).
  • Existing TFN or ABN information: If you have never applied for a TFN or ABN in Australia, the answer to all the questions is NO.
  • Contact details: select NO if you want to be the only person authorized to manage your data and type your phone number and email address.
  • Declaration: click on the SUBMIT button.
  • Transaction complete: keep the Transaction Reference Number, which is the number of the procedure.

The TFN will be received within 28 days at the specified address. If you don’t get it and you need the code as soon as possible, you can call 13 28 61 Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm. If you need a hand to request the tax file number, you can come by our office, and if you don’t have a stable address, you can put Just Australia’s domicile to receive the code.

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