Australian resume

Writing a good Australian resume and getting a satisfactory job, without doubt, is one of the first steps to take once you’ve arrived in a foreign land. We are used to the European model but the Australian CV is completely different, so it’s not easy to write. Don’t worry however, you just need to follow some small tricks to get a simple and effective resume.

Firstly, make sure you select an A4 size sheet of paper and a clean and elegant font (Times new roman, Arial, Helvetica and other similar fonts are fine) no less than 11pt wide. Usually the Australian resume is very concise and highlights the most important information, so make sure that your name, address, phone number (get an Australian SIM card so you can be easily contacted), email address and visa type are clearly visible at the top of the page.

Which points should not be missing on your Australian resume?

  • Objectives: specify in a few lines your career goals and why you are staying in Australia.
  • Profile: describe yourself in a professional way, generally in no more than 4/5 lines, emphasizing your qualities in a workplace. The employer should get the impression that they are meeting a reliable person suited to the position that it is offering.
  • Education: list your academic qualifications from the most recent to the earliest. You can add other courses and certifications if related to the type of work for which you are applying.
  • Experience: this is the main section of your resume. Upload your work experience in reverse chronological order, specifying for whom you worked, year, place, tasks that you have done and the goals you have achieved. Write the same for each job you’ve had and try to be as clear and concise as possible. This information must quickly catch the eye your employer.
  • Skills: considering that you are submitting a resume for Australia, your language skills are the most important. A reasonable level of English is definitely a plus and allows you to have more chances to get the job you want. Depending on the type of work that interests you, it is useful to list all the artistic skills and software knowledge you have on your curriculum vitae. Don’t forget to put your level (basic, intermediate, advanced) for every skill.
  • Referees: if former employers have appreciated your work, it is good to list the contacts that can testify to your skills and reliability in the workplace.

Every year an employer receives a large number of requests, so normally a good resume s**houldn’t exceed two pages** in length and should be easy to read. Obviously, your curriculum vitae can change content and form to suit your personal needs, providing that it remains clean and in a form that highlights your skills. If you’re unsure and you don’t know where to start, you can download an example of our Australian resume template. Good luck!

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